metroCL, a Type System for Wayfinding Metro de Santiago

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metroCL, was an academic project developed between 2018-2019 where the Title project is exposed to opt for the degree of Bachelor of Design in Visual Communication at Universidad Metropolitana (UTEM), Chile. The project consisted of two parts, first, the development of a typographic system proposal for Metro de Santiago, secondly, a book where all the theoretical framework and research process to develop the proposal was exhibited

ClientSelf Project
  • BA Research
  • Editorial Design
  • Typography & Type Design
  • Design System
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The process originated in 2016 —after finishing the Diploma in Typography at Universidad Católica—, and after living in Mexico City. In 2017, within "Taller de Investigación" (english: Research Workshop) —from now on, TdI— dictated by Agustín Villena, I developed a Research focused on the Signage and Wayfinding of Metro de Santiago in two periods (1972-1997) and (1997-2017), within which, I managed to identify several problems and opportunities to develop a conclusion, one of them, to design a proposal to unify the written information of Metro de Santiago. Which, I designed "metroCL", a typography which is exhibited in the publication shown below in the photographs.

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